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Moana Bikini and AMCS

December 8, 2023

There’s a lot of colour in our job. Not just because of the vibrant reefs, the rainbow spectrum of species and the azure of our amazing oceans, but also because of the creativity, brilliance and generosity of our supporters. Moana has personified the spirit of our teeming marine life with their approach to the needs of their clientele, and the creativity and versatility of their designs. Moana exemplifies what it means to embrace community, and as part of our greater, ocean loving community, we here at Australian Marine Conservation Society have been proud to be associated with, and be supported by, the Moana team and their thousands of beautiful customers! Thank you!



When we were designing an ocean-themed Collection, we knew it was the perfect opportunity to give back to our ocean’s and marine wildlife. Both Team Moana and all of our customers are ocean addicts and we feel privileged to be able to give back – even if in a small way – to the place we feel at home and ensure that future generations are lucky enough to experience the wildlife and coastline that makes Australia so incredibly beautiful and unique. AMCS do such an incredible job of being advocates for our coasts and oceans, so we couldn’t think of a better organisation to support.

– The Moana Team