Media Release Fight For Our Reef

AMCS slams Adani rail announcement: our Reef at risk

September 13, 2018

The Australian Marine Conservation Society is responding to Adani’s statement that they will change the design of their railway line to fast-track coal from their Carmichael mine to Abbot Point on the Great Barrier Reef coastline.

Dr Lissa Schindler AMCS spokesperson said:

“Adani’s record shows this is not a company that should be fast-tracking anything.”

“Time and time again Adani have shown they can’t be trusted to comply with Indian environmental laws. Now there is evidence they are putting at risk highly important sites in Australia such as the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area and nationally important wetlands such as the Caley Valley Wetland and Doongmabulla Springs.

“Adani are currently being prosecuted by the Queensland Government for releasing coal laden water into the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Yesterday, we learned Adani is being investigated by Federal and state authorities for illegal work at its mine site for drilling into Queensland’s groundwater.

“Narrowing the rail line doesn’t distract us from the fact that the overwhelming majority of Australians  don’t want Adani launching it’s reef-wrecking mine.

“The Great Barrier Reef is slowly recovering from back to back bleaching events. We need strong Federal leadership on climate change not a new coal mine that will accelerate global warming and put our Reef in even more danger, Dr Schindler said.”

For interviews:

Dr Lissa Schindler 0400 830 502