Send Email Fight For Our Reef

Urgent: Demand clean water for our Reef - make a submission

Will you ask the Government to clean up our Great Barrier Reef?

Our Reef is being crippled by chemical pollution and sediment from farms – just when it needs to be strong in the face of rapidly warming oceans.

Right now the Queensland government’s environment committee is seeking feedback on new laws to reduce farm pollution. This is an incredible opportunity to clean up our Great Barrier Reef, but we must act now. On March 15, submissions to the Queensland Government close. Urgently send a submission supporting strong regulations to get pollution out of our Reef now.

Why we must act

Sediment and fertiliser runoff from farms continues to be a major threat to inshore coral reefs and seagrass meadows of the Great Barrier Reef.

Nutrient pollution of the Reef’s waters is leading to increased phytoplankton, which drives massive outbreaks of the coral-eating Crown-of-Thorns Starfish.

This is an entirely preventable problem. By stopping pollution entering the Reef’s waters, we can fight the root cause of the Crown of Thorns Starfish plagues that are overwhelming the Reef.

Make sure your voice is counted. Add your quick submission now!

Image location and credit: Matt Curnock
Flood Plume Aerial Footage from fine sediment plume from the Burdekin River starting to bathe Old Reef, south of Townsville, 2019 February Floods