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Email the QLD Opposition Leader - Queenslanders need a plan for climate action

This summer our Reef was hit by flooding, two cyclones and one of the worst coral bleaching events on record – the fifth mass bleaching event in eight years – driven by climate change.

A recent review of the outlook for the Great Barrier Reef has been classified as “very poor”, with the Chair of the Marine Park Authority calling for urgent cuts to Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions.¹

The Outlook Report couldn’t be clearer: “The window of opportunity to secure a positive future for the Great Barrier Reef is closing rapidly. Only the strongest and fastest possible actions to decrease global greenhouse gas emissions will reduce the risks and limit the impacts of climate change on the Reef.”²

The good news is that Queensland, one of the largest polluters in the country, has legislated to cut their emissions by 75% by 2035, largely through converting our energy grid to renewables and ending coal-fired power stations by 2035.

While the Queensland LNP voted yes to cutting Queensland’s greenhouse gas emissions, it voted no to strong renewable energy targets and an energy transition plan critical to making the pollution cuts we urgently need.

The LNP’s promise to cut emissions by 75%, without a plan for transitioning Queensland’s energy system, is like setting a goal to sail around the world without a boat.

Urge State Opposition Leader David Crisafullito to give Queensland a plan for its clean energy transition before the election in October.

  1. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. (n.d.). Outlook report. URL:
  2. Ibid.
  3. Foley, M, (2024, August 25). ‘Ecological grief’: Communities, economy suffer from damage to Great Barrier Reef. The Sydney Morning Herald. URL:

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