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Protect endangered Australian sea lions

Public consultation has now closed. Thank you to everyone who took action!

Australian sea lions are only found here in Australia. But they’re in trouble. 

The Australian sea lion is endangered. Its population has dropped by 64% and continues to decline. With less than 12,000 animals left, it is the rarest sea lion in the world.

One of their largest remaining breeding grounds is in Seal Bay, on the coast of Kangaroo Island, South Australia.

The South Australian state government has released draft plans to expand the marine sanctuary that protects Seal Bay by 18.4km². The expansion includes new protection for Australian sea lion feeding grounds. 

Marine sanctuaries act like national parks in the ocean, protecting marine life from damaging activities while still allowing recreational activities like swimming, surfing, boating and diving. 

Add your name to our pre-filled letter to support this new marine sanctuary area to protect Australian sea lions!

Seal Bay on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, is home to one of the largest remaining colonies of endangered Australian sea lions.


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Dear Deputy Premier Susan Close and the Department for Environment and Water,


I write to strongly support the proposed expansions to marine sanctuary zones in the draft amendments to the Southern Kangaroo Island Marine Park Management Plan.

Seal Bay is home to one of the largest remaining colonies of the endangered Australian sea lion. It has been identified by the Australian government as a priority place to concentrate conservation efforts.

The Australian sea lion only occurs in Australia. Their numbers have declined 64% over just the past four decades and are still declining now. It is estimated that less than 12,000 individuals remain across southern Australia’s coasts. Around half of the remaining population are immature individuals.

You can help protect Australian sea lions in South Australia by increasing the amount of critical breeding and foraging grounds protected within the Seal Bay Sanctuary Zone.

Thank you for consulting with the community and I look forward to seeing this expanded marine sanctuary zone implemented as soon as possible.

Please count this as my submission to the draft amendments to the Southern Kangaroo Island Marine Park Management Plan.




Who can make a submission?

If you’re based in South Australia, we strongly encourage you to add your name. If you’re based in New South Wales, please take action here to help improve marine park protection for NSW marine life. If you’re outside SA and NSW, please take action here.


What happens when you press submit?
  • Adding your name will send a submission to the South Australian Department for Environment and Water, National Parks and Protected Area Program, as part of its consultation on the draft amendments to the Southern Kangaroo Island Marine Park Management Plan. You can learn more about the reform and how your submission may be used via the consultation hub.
  • Know that your submission will be read by real people and that taking this action has real impact.