Donate Marine Parks

Donate to create marine parks for our wildlife

You can help protect our ocean environment for future generations. Will you chip in to boost the campaign?

Our oceans are in deep trouble. Pollution, climate change, industrialisation and increasing population are threatening the future of our amazing oceans and the marine wildlife that call them home. Marine sanctuaries – like our national parks on land – provide protection and sanctuary for wildlife and habitats, for us all to enjoy for generations to come. Together, we must stand up for our oceans and demand action from our Government to create marine parks in order to protect our precious marine life.

We can preserve and protect Australia’s beautiful and diverse marine environment for future generations.  With your help, we will create a better future for our marine environment and the animals who live there.

Please donate now to our marine parks campaign.


All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Our important campaigns are not funded by Government grants, we are totally reliant on generous people like you to protect Australia’s oceans and the animals that call them home.

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