Donate Threatened Species

Yes, I will help defend our environment

If you love it, help save it

Help protect nature and defend strong environment law reform.

Australia’s current nature laws are weak, outdated and failing. Nature can’t afford any more business as usual.

The mining and gas industries are fighting hard to maintain business as usual and weaken what few protections actually exist. We need your support urgently to keep us in the fight.

Every day, species are pushed closer to the brink, and ecosystems are degraded beyond repair. Time is running out.

But all is not lost… people like you and me are speaking up! This is a critical opportunity to secure strong laws. We must protect and restore the nature we have left, before the damage is irreversible.

Together we can speak up for strong laws that stop nature destruction.

Help defend our environment


All donations over $2 are 100% tax-deductible. Our important campaigns are not funded by Government grants, we are totally reliant on generous people like you to protect Australia’s oceans and the animals that call them home.

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