Donate Great Barrier Reef

Save the trees, protect our Reef

Please help fund this vital research

Legal loopholes mean Queensland’s tree-clearing rates are the highest in the country. Tree-clearing in reef catchments increases damaging sediment pollution entering our Great Barrier Reef.

This sediment pollution is bad news for our Reef. It can smother corals and seagrass meadows – vital habitats for threatened marine life like turtles and dugongs.

We need your help to raise $15,000 to commission this important report to analyse tree-clearing and its impact on our Reef.

Research like this has power. Your support today will help trigger much needed protections for our Reef.

Can you chip in to fund this important research?

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All donations over $2 are tax-deductible. Our important campaigns are not funded by Government grants, we are totally reliant on generous people like you to protect Australia’s oceans and the animals that call them home.

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An Important Report

We need your help to commission and publish this important scientific report.

Your donation will help us analyse the extent of tree-clearing within reef catchments. We’ll also identify areas that are at high risk to sediment pollution, where tree clearing will be especially detrimental.

Your donation will allow us to create a report that will: 

  1. Map important areas: Identify areas in the Reef catchment that are at risk and need urgent protection.
  2. Highlight the damage: Assess recent clearing in the Reef catchments and identify hotspots.
  3. Show how we can protect our Reef: Expert recommendations to guide decision makers

Our report will be the catalyst for change. This research is incredibly important to understand the extent of tree-clearing in our Reef catchment.

It will also put major pressure on the Queensland government to close loopholes. Let’s give them little choice but to give tree-clearing in Reef catchments the chop.


Your support today will help trigger much needed protections for our Reef.

Donate to fund this research