Please help save sick turtles
Local rescuers have seen 10x more stranded turtles in the wake of devastating Queensland floods.
Seagrass is a main food source for sea turtles. But Hervey Bay has almost no seagrass left following devastating Queensland floods. Turtles are starving to death.
To save these turtles, we need a well-equipped turtle hospital in the region, now more than ever. AMCS is supporting the University of Sunshine Coast proposal to build the Fraser Coast Sea Turtle Rehabilitation and Research Centre.
We need $25,000 before 31st December to buy essential hospital equipment, so the centre can be built next year.
Your support today will give the rehab hospital the vital equipment it will need to feed starving turtles.
Can you chip in to kit out a new turtle hospital ?
All donations over $2 are 100% tax-deductible. Our important campaigns are not funded by Government grants, we are totally reliant on generous people like you to protect Australia’s oceans and the animals that call them home.