Despite the impacts on our marine life and fish stocks, Australian law does not consider deadly seismic blasting a threat.
In response to concern from the Australian public and fishing communities, the Australian Parliament has set up a Senate Inquiry into seismic exploration.
But time is running out. Submissions close on 16 December 2019.
Make a short submission calling for deadly seismic blasting to be banned in marine parks!
Points to consider:
Using your own words will be most effective – even if you just send a short message saying why you’re concerned and that you want stronger laws on seismic exploration.
Here are a few ideas about what to say:
- It deeply concerns me that Australian law does not consider seismic exploration a threat to our marine life.
- Seismic blasting should not be allowed in marine parks or critical habitats.
- There should be stronger laws on seismic exploration. It should be a be a ‘Key Threatening Process’ under federal environment laws (the EPBC Act).
- There is mounting evidence of the devastating impacts of seismic testing on marine life and fish stocks.
- There is evidence seismic blasts can damage the hearing of whales, and kill zooplankton more than a kilometre away.
- I am concerned and so are recreational and commercial fishers.
- Some of our Australia’s most important marine areas are at risk, such as the Great Australian Bight, the Kimberley, the Top End, Bass Strait, and Newcastle’s coast.