Adopt a whale shark

Become a Sea Guardian today by adopting a whale shark

Gigantic but harmless, whale sharks are the largest fish in the world. These majestic creatures are known for their gentle and curious nature. Each whale shark has a unique pattern of spots and stripes. These patterns help scientists keep track of each individual’s movements as they migrate through tropical waters.

Whale sharks are known to migrate every year from April to July to Ningaloo Reef where the coral spawning in the area provides the whale shark with an abundant supply of plankton.

Adopt a species - whale shark

Adopt Dash a whale shark with a monthly gift of $35 or more and you will receive:

Our oceans and marine wildlife need your help. 

Australia has some of the most extraordinary oceans on the planet. But right now, our oceans are facing dire threats, more than ever before. Plastic pollution, rising ocean temperatures and damaging fisheries are just some of the major threats that we’re fighting.

Adopt a species today to fight to protect our oceans and precious marine life.

Adopt a species

Meet Dash the whale shark

Hi! I’m Dash!

I’m a whale shark.

I love gliding gracefully through the ocean. You can find me in Ningaloo Reef. When I’m not sucking up plankton - I’m out and about exploring my favourite tropical waters.

My constellation and I are under threat due to rising ocean temperatures, bycatch and plastic pollution.

I’d be so happy if you would adopt me, to help my constellation get the marine conservation help they need to survive.

Common Name: Whale shark
Sceitnific Name: Rhincodon typus
Type: Fish
Diet: Plankton, fish, invertebrates
Size: Up to 18 metres
Weight: Up to 34 tonnes
Group name: Constellation
Protection status: Endangered (IUCN)

Our plush toys are made from 100% RECYCLED fabric and fibre filling.

Each toy is made using 16 plastic water bottles, recycled paper hang tag, and biodegradable packaging.

Join us as a Sea Guardian today and together we will make a difference for tomorrow. 

All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Sea Guardian donations are charged on the 15th of every month. Please contact us at any time to cancel or change your regular donation. Adopt-a-species toys are dispatched after three successful monthly donations.

Not the species you were looking for? Return to adopt-a-species page to select another species to adopt.

Just like to make a regular gift, and not adopt-a-species plushie, visit our Sea Guardian information page.

Learn more about whale sharks

Whale sharks play a vital role in the marine ecosystem by controlling the levels of plankton and algae, and the transport of nutrients across thousands of kilometres of oceans. Excessive amounts of plankton and algae can disrupt the natural ecosystem by decreasing the amount of sunlight and oxygen available in the water. By regulating the population of algae and providing nutrients to much organisms, whale sharks help to ensure a strong marine food web from the "bottom" up.

Whale sharks face a number of threats including rising ocean temperatures, acidification that alters the physical structure and food networks in tropical oceans. In addition, changes in ocean temperatures and currents can disrupt their migration patterns, making it difficult for them to find suitable habitats. Whale sharks also face problems of bycatch, ingestion of plastics and ship strikes!

Ningaloo Reef Marine Park represents one of the few safe havens in the world for whale sharks. These magnificent, gentle giants of the deep congregate in Ningaloo Marine Park every year from April to July. This stunning reef system is highly diverse and brimming with life.

With your support, we will continue to fight and advocate for strong nature laws to protect places like Exmouth Gulf and Ningaloo from industrialisation.