Adopt a penguin

Become a Sea Guardian today by adopting an emperor penguin

The emperor penguin is the largest of the 18 penguin species. These amazing flightless birds not only survive the harsh Antarctic winter, but they breed during the worst weather conditions on Earth.

They are very social creatures, and one of their survival mechanisms is to huddle together to keep warm. To help survive the harsh conditions, they have two layers of feathers, a good reserve of fat and smaller beaks and flippers than other penguins to prevent heat loss.

Adopt a species - penguin

Adopt Flipp an emperor penguin chick with a monthly gift of $35 or more and you will receive:

Our oceans and marine wildlife need your help. 

Australia has some of the most extraordinary oceans on the planet. But right now, our oceans are facing dire threats, more than ever before. Plastic pollution, rising ocean temperatures and damaging fisheries are just some of the major threats that we’re fighting.

Adopt a species today to fight to protect our oceans and precious marine life.

Adopt a species

Meet Flipp the emperor penguin chick

Hi! I’m Flipp!

I’m an emperor penguin chick.

I love sliding on my belly across the ice. I live in the icy landscapes of Antarctica. When I’m not munching on fish and krill, you’ll find me waddling around and diving gracefully in the cold waters of my Antarctic home.

My colony and I are under threat due to rising ocean temperatures, plastic pollution and unsustainable fishing practices.

I’d be so happy if you would adopt me, to help my colony get the marine conservation help they need to survive.

Common Name: Emperor penguin
Sceitnific Name: Aptenodytes forsteri
Type: Bird
Diet: Fish, squid and krill
Size: Up to 130cm
Weight: 25kg - 45kg
Group name: Colony
Protection status: Near Threatened (IUCN)

Our plush toys are made from 100% RECYCLED fabric and fibre filling.

Each toy is made using 16 plastic water bottles, recycled paper hang tag, and biodegradable packaging.

Join us as a Sea Guardian today and together we will make a difference for tomorrow. 

All donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Sea Guardian donations are charged on the 15th of every month. Please contact us at any time to cancel or change your regular donation. Adopt-a-species toys are dispatched after three successful monthly donations.

Not the species you were looking for? Return to adopt-a-species page to select another species to adopt.

Just like to make a regular gift, and not adopt-a-species plushie, visit our Sea Guardian information page.

Learn more about penguins

Penguins are a key indicator species. Changes in their population size, breeding success, or foraging patterns can signal shifts in environmental conditions or the impacts of climate change. Penguins also influence food dynamics, contribute to nutrient cycling, and contribute to the overall health of the marine ecosystem.

The climate crisis is already hurting our penguins. Rising ocean temperatures are warming their homes and melting the ice sheets they depend on, which can impact their food source and breeding grounds.

With climate change already limiting their food supplies, unsustainable fishing further depletes their food sources.

As plastic pollution continues to increase, penguins also face serious threats of plastic entanglement and ingesting harmful plastic debris.

Climate change is the biggest threat to our oceans and its beautiful and diverse wildlife, such as our penguins. Climate change is driven by mining and burning coal which accelerates global warming, heating the air and the ocean. We are at a critical moment- but it’s not too late. Together, we can demand immediate action and turn back the clock on climate change.

Your support will fuel our fight to make emissions reduction and environmental protection a priority for the Australian government, before it’s too late.