Turning the Tide Magazine Plastic Pollution

National Plastic Targets

Spring '24 Newsletter
July 31, 2024

Turning the Tide Newsletter – Spring 2024

National Plastic Targets

Together we’ve sent a message that cannot be ignored – we need government action to reduce plastic pollution at the source.

Over 20,000 ocean-loving Australians have put their names on our petition calling for a National Plastic Reduction Target.

The petition was handed to Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek at our Coogee Beach clean-up in NSW on 14 June. Thank you to those supporters who joined us at Coogee Beach for this significant occasion, and to everyone across the country who signed the petition.

An estimated 145,000 tonnes of plastic enters the environment in Australia each year. Plastic packaging is one of the worst offenders – soft plastics, food packaging and beverage containers make up almost 70% of all plastics found be Clean Up Australia volunteers.

The message is clear – Australians want clean and thriving oceans, free from plastic pollution. That means cutting plastic packaging 20% by 2030.

Take action

To help us reduce plastic at the source, sign up to become a Plastic Investigaor for our supermarket packaging audit.

Take Action