Petition Plastic Pollution

Supermarket Plastic Investigation Unit

Last year, we released Australia’s first report investigating plastic packaging in Australia’s big 4 supermarkets.

Our Plastic Investigators revealed that in 78% of cases, loose fresh produce was more expensive than plastic-wrapped produce.

The report and this information gained international media attention and forced the supermarkets to take us seriously.

The supermarkets wouldn’t tell us the price difference between packaged and loose fresh produce. We’re told this is ‘commercially sensitive information’.
So we need eyes in every store around Australia to find out the truth.

Join the team, add the price differences you find while you shop, and hold these massive corporations accountable.

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More information

Supermarket Shopper Surveys FAQs

Supermarket Shopper Survey Prize T&Cs

Supermarket Packaging Survey

The survey is easiest online. If you would like to complete it offline, download this PDF version.

Fresh Produce Shopper Survey

The survey is easiest online. If you would like to complete it offline, download this PDF version.