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Oceans Defender Pledge

Yes, I’ll be a voice for Australia’s oceans.

I take the pledge today to become an Oceans Defender.

Be part of the action. Help us combat real threats to the health of our oceans and save the lives of marine wildlife.

Together, we will tackle the pressing issues facing our oceans, from plastic pollution to overfishing, and advocate for sustainable practices that ensure the health and vitality of marine ecosystems.

As an Oceans Defender, you’ll be at the forefront of our campaigns, receiving updates, action alerts, and opportunities to make a tangible difference.

Whether it’s signing petitions, spreading awareness, or participating in community initiatives, your involvement will help amplify our impact and bring about positive outcomes for marine life worldwide.

Become an Oceans Defender!

When you sign up as an Oceans Defender you will receive our latest ocean news and an exclusive Oceans Defender sticker* for your house, car, boat or surfboard, to let others know you are defending our oceans and our future.

Thank you once again for joining us in our mission to protect and preserve our oceans. Your support is invaluable, and we look forward to working together to create a brighter future for our blue planet.

* Ocean Defender stickers are only available for Australian addresses.

Thanks to supporters like you, in the last 12 months we’ve turned the tide together.

You can be part of the action. Help us combat real threats to the health of our oceans and save the lives of marine wildlife.

Take the pledge today to become an Oceans Defender and be a voice for Australia’s oceans.