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Email the QLD Opposition Leader - Vote YES for climate action to protect our Reef and tourism jobs

Extreme weather, made worse by climate change, has already hurt our communities and wildlife this summer.

Some areas in Far North Queensland are still cut off from flooding in December. 

Now a marine heatwave is driving the 5th mass bleaching event in our Great Barrier Reef in eight years.

Coral reefs around the world are declining due to increasing ocean temperatures – putting our Reef at risk along with the 64,000 jobs that rely on it. 

The Queensland Government has set clear targets to slash climate pollution and create thousands of new jobs in renewable energy for our regional communities. 

These are:

This is an incredible leap forward in climate action and will help to protect our Reef.

But to lock in this progress we need to make sure that the new targets are supported by all political parties. 

Decision makers need to hear that community members like you support stronger climate targets.

Call on State Opposition Leader David Crisafulli and Shadow Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef Sam O’Connor, to vote YES to the climate and clean energy targets when they come before parliament, and provide their plan of how they will implement them.


Can you send an email to Queensland's Opposition Leader, David Crisafulli, and Shadow Environment Minister, Sam O'Connor, asking them to vote YES to guarantee climate action for Queensland?