Clive Palmer-owned Central Queensland Coal wants to build a colossal coal mine just 10 km from the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area.
Government-appointed scientists have warned of “significant and irreversible damage” to precious Reef ecosystems if this reckless coal mine goes ahead.
The Reef just underwent another mass bleaching event, the fourth since 2016. Approving any new coal mines in the middle of a climate crisis that is wreaking havoc on our Reef and oceans is unacceptable. Although scientists and the Queensland Government have advised the mine not to go ahead, the project sat on the former Environment Minister’s desk gathering dust for over 12 months.
With a new Minister in office promising to do more for the environment, now is the time to push for the mine to be rejected once and for all.
Add your voice today to urge new Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to listen to the scientific experts and to local communities and say no to this damaging project.