Media Release Marine Parks

Marine protection for Sydney region one step closer

October 31, 2017

Vital protection for the greater Sydney region’s marine environment is one step closer with the release of a statewide Marine Estate Management Strategy, according to the Nature Conservation Council and Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS).

“This is the first time our marine environment has been considered holistically and that’s very welcome, but it will be action that really matters,” said Sharnie Connell, Sydney Marine Park Campaigner.

The Marine Estate Management Strategy (the strategy) outlines eight management initiatives which could be implemented to protect the environmental, social and economic values of our marine environment. The community is welcome to make a submission until December 8th at:

A science based multi-use Marine Park for the Sydney region will secure a healthy environment to protect our boating, swimming, surfing, and fishing lifestyle. NSW has six multiple-use marine parks in Jervis Bay, Batemans, Byron Bay, Solitary Islands, Port Stephens, Lord Howe Island. The only region without one is the Central Region between Newcastle and Wollongong.

“Our incredible coasts and ocean are at the heart of our enviable lifestyle. The beaches, bays and waterways of the greater Sydney region are truly iconic, yet few people realise less than 1% of our region is protected.

“The impacts from coastal development, overfishing, pollution and climate change are mounting.

“The government has confirmed that our marine environment is facing multiple and significant threats. We have proven solutions on hand that can be implement today. Starting with the Central region which has the highest level of risk, yet it has the lowest level of protection.”

“We need a Sydney Marine Park to protect our coastal lifestyle for generations to come. We’ve got stunning terrestrial national parks around our harbour and coastline, but we have none in the sea”.

“We have thriving marine parks to our north and south, but none around Sydney, where we need it most.

“The people of NSW have spoken loudly – they want a marine park to protect our lifestyle and incredible marine life”.

“It’s taken three years from the passing of legislation for this draft Strategy to land. We cannot wait another three for its implementation. It’s time to get on with a marine park for Sydney.

The Sydney Marine Park Campaign is a joint project of the Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC) and the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS).

Media Contact:

Daisy Barham 0402 335 664 | Adele Pedder 0422 108 539